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Home  »  Politics  »  Obama: GOP Can “Roll Back” All The “Progress” Of My Two Years In Office, If Victorious On Tuesday

Obama: GOP Can “Roll Back” All The “Progress” Of My Two Years In Office, If Victorious On Tuesday

Oct 30, 2010 29 Comments ›› Pat Dollard

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — President Barack Obama implored voters on Saturday to resist a Republican tide, warning that if the GOP prevails in Tuesday’s midterm elections all the progress of his first two years in office “can be rolled back.”
That would be just fine, said Rep. John Boehner, in line to become the new speaker if Republicans take the House, as expected. He declared, “Americans are demanding a new way forward in Washington.”

Embarking on a four-state weekend campaign dash, Obama acknowledged the difficulties Democrats face — the distinct chance of losing their comfortable majority in the House and possibly the Senate, as well as several governors’ seats.

All four weekend stops are in states Obama carried in 2008 — Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Illinois and Ohio. But Democratic candidates for the Senate, House and governorships are struggling in these places and elsewhere, and Obama is making a last-ditch plea for the party’s core supporters not to abandon them.

“It is difficult here in Pennsylvania, it is difficult all across the country,” Obama told several hundred campaign volunteers at Temple University in Philadelphia, a Democratic-leaning city he has visited often.

The weekend tour marks the president’s last campaign swing of the campaign season, with Republicans expecting big victories on Tuesday. Obama’s sagging popularity has limited his ability to save Democratic candidates, and his legislative agenda may be deeply complicated if the GOP takes over the House, as many expect.

Unless Democratic voters turn out in big numbers, Obama said in a seven-minute talk, all the progress made in the past two years “can be rolled back.”

Several of Pennsylvania’s U.S. House Democrats are battling for survival, as is the Senate nominee, Joe Sestak.

Republicans expect to win the governor’s seat, as two-term Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell is term-limited.

Obama planned later stops Saturday in Bridgeport, Conn., and Chicago. He will headline a campaign rally Sunday in Cleveland before returning to Washington for Halloween with his family.

In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama said it’s time to put aside partisanship. But his appeal for unity included jabs at GOP leaders for comments he called troubling.

Boehner, currently the House minority leader, “actually said that ‘this is not the time for compromise,’” Obama said. He said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky “said his main goal after this election is simply to win the next one.”

“I know that we’re in the final days of a campaign,” Obama said in his weekly address. “So it’s not surprising that we’re seeing this heated rhetoric. That’s politics. But when the ballots are cast and the voting is done, we need to put this kind of partisanship side — win, lose or draw.”

Boehner, in the weekly Republican radio address, said Obama has failed to deliver the change he promised — and American workers have lost jobs as a result of White House policies. The Ohio Republican spoke up for a GOP pledges to cut spending and keep taxes at current levels.

“This is a new way forward that hasn’t been tried in Washington yet,” Boehner said. “It’s a break from the direction in which President Obama has taken our country. And frankly, it’s also a break from the direction in which Republicans were headed when Americans last entrusted us with the reins of government. The American people are in charge, and they deserve nothing less.”

Candidates were everywhere on Saturday, making last-weekend pitches for support.

Party stars were out in force, too.

Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland’s re-election, called the Republican pledge “a joke.” He said, “Their deal sounds good but it doesn’t work. … Our ideas work better than theirs.”

Later in Canton, Ohio, as Clinton was speaking at a rally, Ohio Rep. John Boccieri ran offstage after receiving word that his pregnant wife had gone into labor.

“The baby is now being born!” Clinton announced as the crowd erupted with cheers. “We got another Democrat.”

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, campaigned for Republican Senate candidate John Raese at a big rally in Charleston, W.Va.

In many races, vast numbers of the electorate had already made their choices. In Ohio, where Democrats could lose as many as six House seats, more than 721,000 votes had been cast. California officials already had in hand almost 2.5 million ballots, and Florida officials had almost 1.7 million.

Both parties worked vigorously to bank supporters’ votes early. In all, more than 13.5 million votes had been cast early, either at ballot boxes that opened early or by mail. Four years ago, during the last non-presidential election, some 19 million voters cast ballots before Election Day.

  • Gary in Midwest

    Roll it back and remember this tragedy of an administration every time you vote in the future!!!!

  • aceofwands

    Check the BC and put him in prison…then claw back all that cash he handed out to Liberals.

  • USNA1985

    OMG! I fucking hope so. I’ll take 5% unemployment over 10% any day of the week. I’ll take no terrorist attempts vs. an attempt every 2 months. I’ll take $100 dollars/mo in health care premium costs vs. $300/mo. I’ll take 3.5% GDP growth vs. 1-2% GDP growth. Do I need to continue?

  • David

    Squash his programs like an M1A2 Abrams over some rotten grapes.

    • Montizzle

      :beer: Were you a tanker too? I was.

  • lube

    praise be to JESUS

  • Xavier

    This presidency & democratic congress should be written about in history books and taught to students from 1st grade to graduate school as the embodiment of Failure and what NOT to do.

    More than likely these Communists will write fictional history & praise this failure as a success in the face of facts.

    • Sandy

      They will be considered victims since the libs write all the trash our kids have to learn.

  • Da Birther

    All the more reason for home schooling.

  • CJW

    Take away the keys, tell him to get out of the car, and revoke his learner’s permit.

    • Da Birther

      That’s funny. Are you really sure he has a learner’s permit?


    If only we could roll it back. I’m sure he has his veto pen handy.

  • Axel

    I hope the gun toting Bible loving people of PA will vote Republican this time, especially those rednecks in the now, thank the Lord, demised Murtha’s district.

    I pray for LANDSLIDES all over the country so no amount of fraud can be an issue.

    • vandy


  • Remmy

    People believed what he said on the campaign trail and the Lame Stream Media purposely looked the other way
    This Tuesday will be a much needed corrective action and hopefully will keep correcting until the first dude is out of office and in Jimmycarterland.

  • RetAF

    Republicans won’t be able to roll anything back, just put a few roadblocks in place. The so-called health care and financial reform bills have given the executive branch huge new regulatory powers to intrude into private citizens lives. The chief executive will spend the next two years writing regulations and hiring obnoxious civil servants. You thought Joe the Plumber had it bad…

    I mean, what does tracking gold transactions have to do with health care? And what does tracking individual citizens’ credit and debt information have to with “reforming” Wall Street?

  • USMC 3112

    Hell yeah we want to “roll back” every thing this piece of shit has brought on the American People. When I get to the Polls Tuesday, I’m going to remember that fuckers words. I’m going to say loud and proud “Proud to be a part rolling back all of the progress the last two yeaes of your adminstration”
    Watch those around you waiting in line. Make sure they are legitimate voters and not the illegal kind. Watch the poll workers and make sure they are doing their jobs honestly. Step one of taking our Country back starts in less than 48 hours boys! Lets be watchful and vote with purpose! :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

    • aboutTObegin

      well said!!!! Watch those poll workers! We also need a process to verify all the votes because you know the MSM will not report accurately.


  • http://internetexplorer Organichik

    I 2nd that!! and I mean the 2nd amendment as well. This attempt at lying to the people again was a little like he has done to us. We have been talking for almost two years and he and his stooges have been booing us, laughing and for the most part everytime you see them obammer and dirty hairy reid they are giving us the finger! The three stooges have absolutely no class at all. I hope he enjoyed himself at his rally and has many more like it

  • dirtylittle_billy

    Thats the general idea you stupid jug eared marxist son of a bitch.

    • reagan54

      Let’s home he stays Marxist and does not discover Mao. I know, I could have stated that better, but I agree with you. :beer:

  • reagan54

    HOPE instead of home. Ironic since I hate typos.

  • vincenzo4

    PROGRESS ?????????????????????????????????????????????

    • vox populi

      yes, progress……right over a damn cliff. He just can’t see the cliff ‘cuz he suffers from a terminal case of cranial-rectitus.

      Roll it back baby…we on the east coast get to move-out first tomorrow. shock and awe

  • reagan54

    ¿Qué progreso? Él está en las drugas.

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